Health Care

Over half a million lose Medicaid coverage as states return to pre-Covid rules

Early data suggests many who could still be eligible were dropped for procedural reasons.
Maryland Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk, a Democrat who chairs the Maryland House and Government Operations Committee, speaks at a news conference on Thursday, May 11, 2023 in Annapolis, Md. in front of the Maryland State House. (AP Photo/Brian Witte)

There are likely many people who meet Medicaid eligibility requirements among the over half a million who lost coverage in the last month, as states began shedding recipients who were automatically re-enrolled during the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency.

Early data from the 11 states that released re-enrollment figures is sounding alarm bells for some lawmakers and public health advocacy groups who warned for months that the emergency’s so-called unwinding could lead to catastrophic losses in insurance coverage for some of the country’s most vulnerable residents, especially children.

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